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Things that Benefit the Dead

Things that Benefit the Dead

“And that the human being can have nothing but what he has earned (good or bad).” Al-Qur’an 53:39 Commenting on this ayah Ibn Kathir, rahimahullah, said, “Imam Ash-Shafi’i concluded from this ayah that reciting the Qur’an does not benefit the dead, because it is not from their doing and earning. For this reason, Allah’s Messenger, upon whom be peace, did not recommend…

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On the Importance of Tawhid

1) Verily, Allah has created the world and everything in it in order to worship Him alone. He sent the Messenger to call the people to tawhid and the Noble Qur’an is concerned with the ‘aqidah of tawhid in most of its chapters, and it explains the harm of shirk for the individual and the society. Shirk is the reason for destruction…

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